woensdag 14 april 2010

I love Beirut

He Peeps,

I am wearing my I love Shanghai t-shirt today, which will always remind me of my amazing time there. But as stupid as I am, it totally forgot to buy a I love Beirut t-shirt. Right at this moment I am thinking about it and realize that i should had bought one because if I had I would have worn it with pride today..
It would have helped me if they had sold them on the streets, however I haven't seen any of them. Still I wish to have one from Beirut but maybe next time when I am there. So I can shed my collection of "I love.." t-shirt.

However, even without the t-shirt I have some ama
zing memories of my time in Beirut. Our stay there was amazing. What struck me the most was the traffic in Beirut. No, they don't use rules or lines at the road, in Beirut they just honk. Sometimes one time, and sometimes 2 or more times. The are meanings for those rules, and they are simple. Honking 1 time means, "he I want to go past you.." and wen you honk 2 or more times it means, "Go out of my way you *#%^..." which is pretty clear for everybody. Of course we must not forget the taxies in Beirut, because they are everywere. Which is super handy wen you need one, but for some reason taxi drivers in Beirut have this tic to hit their honks every time when they drive by somebody. You can imagine, that for a girl with blond hair you can't take 5steps or they have honked at your for already 8 times. Sometimes annoying but overall super handy. In my eyes, all the honking in the city gives a lot of charm too Beirut.

there are many old cars in Beirut..

2 opmerkingen:

  1. I got some T-shirts for my kids but they were a bit too small. They still wore them with pride to school, though. Try www.dotcom-unity.com They have some nice designs. I have recorded lots of trafic sounds so you can relive the honking whenever you like!

  2. Hahaha, thanks you andrew. Maybe you can make a cd for me with all the traffic sounds, so that I will fall asleep easier. hahaha
